Favorite things
1) What is your favorite color? Red
2) What is your favorite song?Most songs by Donny Hathaway
3) What is your favorite music genre?"old school soul".. 60s/70s
4) Who is your favorite poet?It changes.. at this moment it's Pablo Neruda... or Toni Morrison..even though she's an author, I prefer her as a poet than as a storyteller..Some of the lines she uses in her novels are amazing..
5) What is your favorite poem?"crazy" by Laxmi Presad Devkota
6) What is your favorite book?at this moment.. McTeague by Frank Norris.. it has made me think a lot..
7) What is your favorite store? Thrift Stores (overall)... I love looking through the books, videos etc..I feel like I'm treasure hunting.. lol..
8) What is your favorite channel?I don't really watch tv/I took cable off of it.. I only watch stuff and then..
9) What is your favorite number?22
10) What is your favorite magazine?Maybe Psychology Today... or
11) What is your favorite quote?"a writer is someone who takes the universal ***** of language and turns her into a virgin again"
12) What is your favorite holiday?Mother's Day
13) What is your favorite season?Autumn
14) What is your favorite comedian?Eddie Murphy ..he's my childhood favorite and I'm sticking with him..
15) What is your favorite accent?Jamaican/New York/ or French
16) What is your favorite height?5 foot anything.. #shortclub lol..
17) What is your favorite body part?eyes
18) What is your favorite youtube video?none in particular.. I like watching soul singer sing live versions of their songs
19) What is your favorite place to eat?Vegetable Garden.. or Unos.. Applebees, Cheesecake Factory, Ruby Tuesdays are cool....and I love Jamaican food....
20) What is your favorite car?punch buggy pink...with a white rag top..
21) What is your favorite method of transportation?walking, bussing, on the train.. or in the passenger seat.. (I don't like to drive).. I like to read and write.. and thing..while in transit..
22) Who is your favorite actor?Will Smith..not because of how he acts.. per se.. I like the way he thinks..
23) What is your favorite actress?Angela Basset
24) What is your favorite movie?Coming to America
25) What is your favorite TV show?Inside the actor's studio...Work of Art
26) What is your favorite bookstore?Barnes and Noble..and any used book store...
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50 Questions To Really Get To Know Someone
1) Are you a morning or night person?Both
2) Which do you prefer, sweet or salty foods?Salty
3) Ninjas or pirates?neither
4) Ninjas vs pirates, discuss.I don't know much about Ninjas or Pirates
5) Autobots or Decepticons?neither
6) What was your favorite childhood television program?The Jetsons and What's Happening
7) Are you a collector of anything?Books
8) If you could be any animal, what would you be?Tiger
9) If you could have any superpower, what would it be?Knowing the intentions of others
10) What is usually your first thought when you wake up?I have to achieve/leave legacy
11) What do you usually think about right before falling asleep?ditto
12) What's your favorite color?Red
13) What's your favorite animal?Unicorn and Tiger
14) Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets?No
15) Do you believe in ghosts?kind of
16) Ever been addicted to a video/computer game? Which one(s)?Super Mario Brothers and Pac Man
17) You're given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on?To open an art school
18) Have any bad habits?
19) Which bad habits, if any, drive you crazy?none come to mind..
20) List 3 of your best personality traits:optimistic, calm, sense of humor
21) List 3 of your worst personality traits:I can be be forgetful, forget people's names/faces etc...anything else I can think of..are maybe bad to others..but good to me.. (I'm stubborn a rule breaker/line crosser)
22) Have any celebrity crushes?Eddie Murphy back in they day..,Tupac, and Tyson Bedford
23) List 1 thing you wish you could change about yourself:I don't know.. I like myself..
24) Any tattoos or piercings?no
25) What's the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?their aura/vibe
26) What personality traits do you look for in a partner?sense of humor, desire to do do big things, humility, good heart, optimism
27) What personality traits do you dislike in other people?lack of a sense of humor
28) Are you mostly a clean or messy person?Do you see yourself getting married in the next 5 years?I don't know..maybe
29) Are you mostly a clean or messy person?clean
30) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?Ethiopia or Jamaica
31) If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?Tibet
32) List 5 goals on your life's to-do list:record, write, leave a huge legacy, teach, start a movement
33) Name 1 regret you have:none
34) Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid:I still do everything that I miss about being a kid
35) Name 1 thing you love about being an adult:making my own rules
36) What's your favorite song of the moment?I don't know.. I don't really favorite songs..
37) What's your favorite song of all time?Giving Up by Donny Hathaway
38) What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?Read/plan.. I'm an introverted person
39) What's your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?ditto..
40) Have any hidden talents?I can belly dance
41) You're about to walk the green mile, what do you have as your last meal?a baked potato and melted cheddar cheese lol..
42) What would be your dream job?Writing/Teaching writing
43) Which would you rather have, 100 million dollars or true love?True love
44) If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?to leave a huge legacy, for my children to also leave a huge legacy, and to be able to leave the world much much better than I found it
45) Ever wish you were born the opposite sex? If so, why?at one time..when I was a seemed that women had it so rough..
46) Name 1 thing not many people know about you:I'm an extremely introverted person..even though I am also..very outgoing
47) If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?Shakti
48) Do you believe in the afterlife?yes
49) On the topic of abortion, how do you feel about cookies?smh
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